Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 beta - Expected release date and everything we know

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Multiple characters with weapons in Modern Warfare 2
July 17, 2023: Leaks surrounding Modern Warfare 3 are starting to appear. Find all there is to know about the beta in our guide.

The Modern Warfare 3 beta will act as the first opportunity for fans to get their hands on 2023's Call of Duty release. Although there's very little information surrounding Modern Warfare 3, various leaks and rumours are pointing towards a sequel to 2022's Modern Warfare 2.

Despite the lack of information, intel on when the beta weekends take place has already emerged, much to the excitement of fans wondering what's in store for the Call of Duty franchise in 2023.

Before we take a closer look at the Modern Warfare 3 beta, check out our other guides showcasing the latest leaks and whether the game features cross-platform capabilities.

When is the Modern Warfare 3 beta?

The character with a weapon in Modern Warfare 2
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First of all, let’s talk about the best way to try this game before its release. Yes, we are talking about the beta weekend. According to the information we have, there will be two events, and each of them is available for different platforms. Here are their leaked dates:

  • Beta Weekend 1 (PS4, PS5) – Will run from October 6 to October 10, 2023.
  • Beta Weekend 2 (PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PC) – Will run from October 12 to October 16, 2023.

What to expect in the Modern Warfare 3 beta

The Modern Warfare 3 beta will feature a small slice of content that will arrive in the full multiplayer build. We expect to see a small range of guns, maps, and game modes across the two weekends.

Once the content appears, we'll update the guide with everything you need to know.

Modern Warfare 3 leaks


The latest Modern Warfare 3 leaks claim the game will launch with a zombies mode which is great news for those looking to take down some undead opposition. Unlike previous titles, there won't be a round-based mode. Instead, a new version of Outbreak from Black Ops Cold War will arrive.

As with all Call of Duty games, Modern Warfare 3 will also contain a single-player campaign. Although there's no information on the storyline, there's a very high chance it will be a continuation of the Modern Warfare 2 campaign involving Ghost, Captain Price, and more.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Modern Warfare 3 beta. For more Call of Duty, take a look at our guides showcasing the best Modern Warfare 2 ranked play loadouts and the current Warzone 2 meta.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 page.