AU Reborn codes (August 2023) - Free cash and rewards

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Roblox AU Reborn cover showing a Roblox character against a neon background
August 7, 2023: New AU Reborn codes are in.

Roblox is truly loaded with excellent experiences. Taking from anime, games, and movies, there is so much out there to play. If you're looking for AU Reborn codes, this is everything we need to know.

Being based on all the latest and greatest anime, this fighter tasks you with taking on your friends and fighting to be at the top of the arena. These codes should help you start out in the Roblox hit.

New AU Reborn codes (August 2023)

  • !code ANNIVERSARYSOON – free tokens and cash
  • !code 100KLIKES! – free tokens and cash
  • !code 70klikes - 70 cash
  • !code 40klikes - free cash
  • !code 30klikes - free cash
  • !code 20klikes - free cash

Expired codes:

  • !code b41t3d
  • !code 5klikes
  • !code 10klikes
AU Reborn cover art
click to enlarge

How to use AU Reborn codes

In order to use any of the AU Reborn codes, you first have to have a Roblox account and access to the game. You can get in there and play it for yourself via this link.

Once you are in, you have to access the chat box by typing in "/". From here, you can talk to your fellow players. This being said, you can also type any codes in here to get some free goodies. This is why all the codes start with "!code".

You will know if you have gotten this wrong if the text pops up like a message, or if you don't get any goodies. If you get it all right from copy and pasting it above, wait a day or two and we'll check through our codes. We'll keep you updated on all the latest codes right here.

When do new AU Reborn codes come in?

New codes tend to arrive in Roblox games when big events happen in the world, or to celebrate personal milestones. Generally, every ten thousand or so likes results in another code to give you some free cash. As well as this, we can expect even more to come in as players play the game or as big YouTubers cover it.

Finally, new Roblox codes come out around big events in the world such as Valentine's Day, Easter, and Christmas. Keep an eye out around then for new codes.

What is AU Reborn?


AU Reborn is a fighting game combining tonnes of different anime in one small arena. You are tasked with taking control of an anime character and beating up all your friends.

The codes are used to give you some cash, allowing you to start the game a little easier. This will give you access to a greater array of characters and moves.

If you're looking for more Roblox games to play while you wait for the next set of codes, check out these Rell Seas codes, Sonic Speed Simulator codes, and Tower Defense Simulator codes. There is truly so much out there to keep you busy!

Before you get in there and use all those codes, there are a few more Roblox codes worth checking out. If you're interested, check out these Shindo Life codes, Project Slayers codes, and Blox Fruits codes. If you want even more, here are some King Legacy codes.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Roblox , Only Mobile Gaming , and OMG Guides pages.