Modern Warfare 3 reveal - What we know so far

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Screenshot of Modern Warfare 3 player holding assault rifle while looking down
Credit: Activision
August 2, 2023: Season 5 for MW2 and Warzone are here, meaning the Modern Warfare 3 reveal isn't far away. Find all there is to know about the in-game event in our guide.

On the hunt for intel surrounding the Modern Warfare 3 reveal? You've come to the right place. With numerous leaks and rumours surrounding various aspects of Modern Warfare 3 flying around, attention is turning towards the official reveal of 2023's Call of Duty release.

So far, we've seen information on the gun list appear in addition to confirmation of Modern Warfare 2 items transferring over to the new game from Sledgehammer Games.

Before we take a closer look at what Activision has in store for the Modern Warfare 3 reveal, take a look at our other guides containing the latest beta intel and whether the game will feature SBMM.

Modern Warfare 3 reveal news

On August 2, 2023, Twitter account DETONATEDcom noticed two private videos have appeared on Call of Duty's YouTube channel. According to the user, one of them is the Modern Warfare 2 reveal trailer while the other remains a mystery.

It's believed that the second private video is the reveal of the Modern Warfare 3 trailer which will arrive as part of the in-game event taking place.

When is the Modern Warfare 3 reveal?

Following recent leaks, Activision has confirmed the Modern Warfare 3 reveal will take place during Season 5 of Warzone and Modern Warfare 2.

The exact start date for the next seasonal update hasn't appeared yet but we expect it to take place in August. Once we hear more, we'll update the guide with everything you need to know.

Modern Warfare 3 reveal leaks

As mentioned earlier, there are a wealth of leaks surrounding what the Modern Warfare 3 reveal has in store. Be warned, the next couple of paragraphs will contain potential spoilers so if you want to wait until August, we recommend you skip ahead or check out the best Warzone SO-14 loadout currently dominating matches.

According to user MWIINTEL, the reveal event will see players assisting Shadow Company in capturing a number of missile silos on Al Mazrah. while capturing them, you'll need to fend off AI combatants.

Alongside capturing the silos, you'll be taking control of a bunker which is underneath the Observatory points of interest to grab a gas canister.

Of course, it's worth taking these leaks with a pinch of salt until Activision shares more information in the build-up to Season 5.

Modern Warfare 3 release date


The Modern Warfare 3 release date is expected to appear in Call of Duty's usual Q4 release window. If leaks are accurate, the next Call of Duty title will launch on November 10, 2023.

That's all there is to know about the Modern Warfare 3 reveal so far. For more, check out our Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone pages for the latest Call of Duty intel before Modern Warfare 3 launches.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 page.