Modern Warfare 3 Perks - All gear items explained

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Screenshot of Modern Warfare 3 player aiming down sights of pistol with soldier in background
Credit: Activision
August 1, 2023: Wondering how Modern Warfare 3 perks will work? Find all the intel you need to know in our guide.

The Modern Warfare 3 Perks are expected to undergo a change in 2023. The Call of Duty franchise is no stranger to innovation and with the launch of Modern Warfare 3 fast approaching, information surrounding Sledgehammer Games' latest release is starting to appear.

Information on the gun list expected to arrive in multiplayer has already leaked, much to the excitement of fans wondering how content originally created for Modern Warfare 2 DLC will work in a fully-fledged release.

Before we reveal more about the Modern Warfare 3 Perks and the leaks about the new system, don't forget to take a look at our guides revealing whether the game features SBMM and if your Modern Warfare 2 skins transfer over.

Modern Warfare 3 perks list

Based on what's already emerged from reliable Call of Duty leaker BobNetworkUK, these are all the Perks reportedly appearing in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer:


  • Tactical Combat
  • Scavenger
  • Marksman
  • Assault
  • Specialist
Screenshot of Modern Warfare 2 player taking cover behind wood and holding shotgun
click to enlarge
Credit: Activision


  • Gunner
  • Overkill
  • Grenadier
  • Infantry
  • Scout
  • Tactical

As always, take the leaked list of Modern Warfare 3 Perks with a pinch of salt until we hear more information from Activision and Sledgehammer Games. Judging by the names, the pieces of gear represent a Perk which will contain a range of benefits that will impact in-game performance.

How does the Modern Warfare 3 perk system work?


BobNetworkUK says each gear category represents a Perk slot. Helmets, Vests, Gloves, and Boots will act as the first, second, third, and fourth Perks, just like in Modern Warfare 2. It may sound confusing, but it's rather straightforward.

Previous Call of Duty titles have allowed players to equip three Perks as standard, with Wildcards giving them further options to equip two or more from the same category. We'll have to wait and see if Wildcards return in Modern Warfare 3 to provide another layer of customisation.

There you have it, that's all there is to know about the Modern Warfare 3 perks. For more intel on 2023's Call of Duty, take a look at our guides containing all there is to know about the reveal and whether COD Points will transfer.

For more articles like this, take a look at our Guides and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 page.